The brighter side..

Archive for the ‘Accept people/situations as they are!’ Category

I have suddenly realized today that all the opinions I have about certain people around me, are not necessarily true! 

Why would I think that X is rude, or Y is dishonest, or Z is wasting his life?

 Why would I assume that something that appears black to me – is not white for someone else?

I also observed that it is very easy to form a negative opinion about something/someone but the mind is highly reluctant to form any positive opinion!

The more we live at the edge – the more we cling to the negative.. The more centered we are – the more we become devoid of fault finding eyes!

Thats what Guruji says -” become devoid of fault-finding eyes!” Coz when you do that, you find your own peace of mind!

He also says – blaming someone else, and blaming yourself, is the biggest hindrance in the path of spirituality.

Why I am thinking about all this today is – that there is a person in my life – whom I am not able to accept. I feel he has wronged everyone around him, is unjust, dishonest and defies all laws of righteous behaviour!

He doesnt really bother me, since I do not have to deal with him directly. Although sometimes when I do hear about him, all I do is pray for him, so that he doesnt have to suffer too much for his ‘sins’ (from my viewpoint, ofcourse)

I also know at all points of time – that it is purely lack of Knowledge and Wisdom – and some past Karma – that he is bound to do what he is doing right now.  Plus, his repeated mistakes have probably stressed him out so much, that its now goingto take a while to get back!

Secretly, I would also imagine how he would throw out all the toxins, if he ever gets to do the basic course?!

But never did I come up with that space – “What can I do for him?”

Never did I feel that no matter how much he has wronged everyone, he is still made of the same substance as me – that is Love! I always saw myself up on a pedestal – standing high up and looking down upon him – as if I am better and he is not.

This division, is what has started to make me uncomfortable now.

Suddenly, I have accepted him as he is. And whats even stranger, that I find myself feeling that belongingness and compassion to him – just like you would feel for a stranger on the road who missed the bus …

I do not know why I’m feeling that way, but all I know is tht I should act on my intuition! I feel that somehow, in someway, I should make him do the Basic Course. I have no idea how – but I will have to devise some strategy to make him get there!

Guruji, please please, help me in making this happen.

Jai Gurudev