The brighter side..

Archive for the ‘Books’ Category

 Reading this awesome book called “Eat, pray, love”.

Well, essentially picked it up since I read in the newspaper that Julia Roberts was in town for shooting the movie based on this book! I usually don’t even go anywhere near thick books.. they kind of scare me 😀 I never feel I can commit myself to a book and remain interested in it for so long.. The fear holds me back! 😀

 But the front page for this book read – “A Woman’s search for Everything”.. That definitely had me eye it for a while and read some more..

Eventually, I just ended up taking it to the cash counter!

 Anything that comes with a spiritual connotation surely deserves fair attention. 🙂

 Well, and I wasn’t too wrong about the book. The story line is indeed great..but more so, the writing style of Elizabeth Gilbert. It is so warm, subtle and utterly interesting – I finished ¼ the book in 2 days.. (well, that’s actually hi-speed for me!)


It feels refreshing to see how more & more people from the West are beginning to appreciate the Yoga and Meditation, and the ancient India Culture that promotes a holistic approach to life. Someone from the West, would truly go to any extent if he/she is a Spiritual Seeker. (I capitalize those ‘S’s since I hold a high degree of respect for the Seekers.) They would travel, they’ll explore, they’ll take off from their work – their lives in general – in the search for Truth.

This kind of independant thinking, kind of comes naturally to them.

 I feel, that we in India, on a very large scale still cannot help, but, admire the grass on the other side! We’d like to wear a Metallica t-shirt, eat pizza and Italian pasta, put on a Louis Vuitton shirt and Prada eyewear, drive a Nissan – do everything western – just to look in place!

But, the majority still frowns in the name of Yoga, Meditation, Vedic literature, the deep Spiritual Knowledge of the Upanishads, the Ayurvedic way of cure, the traditional cotton fabrics etc.

 Infact, the other day, there was a program on Meow FM where the anchor was talking positively about Live-in relationships and how they are pro-society these days!

Well, yes, the era has come a full circle. And I just heop that the time is not far when we strike a perfect balance in the Eastern and Western values!


Ah, till then I’ll get back to ‘Eat, pray, love’! 🙂