The brighter side..

Archive for the ‘Life in general..’ Category

I have been living all my life in an average sort of way.  But I always questioned that what is it about me that can be unique? What special thing am I born to do?

In short, I often wonder what is the purpose of my life?

Quite clearly, I’m not in this beautiful creation because Nature wanted me to work in an MNC.. or wanted me to build a house, buy a car for myself etc. If these things were important for any Soul, then they would have stayed with it FOREVER. Even after the Soul leaves the body!

But thats not the case. We do leave all these material things plus the pleasures associated with them – right here, where we made them.

Then what stays with us? Stays with us ‘Throughout’?

 What do we carry with us when we leave this body and move on to another one?

One thing that I have felt in life, and I’m sure most of us would agree – that as long as we have lived ONLY for ourselves, thought ONLY about our comforts and worked ONLY to uplift ourselves – its been a mess in the end!

Infact, as it goes – ” The best way to get depressed is to lock yourselves in a room, and keep thinking – What about me? What about me? What about me? “

So true!

But all the times when we have stepped out of our comfort zones and met people from the space of – “What can I do for you?” – life has suddenly expanded and the small-mindedness dropped!

Whenever I have been grateful to Nature for giving me all that I have –  I have felt an immense peace and joy bubbling inside of me!! But whenever I’ve been in a cribbing mode – complaining & regretting – I’ve felt the contraction inside..

So, thats the key!

Everytime I feel, whats the purpose of my life – I should convert that quest into an action and Serve people! When I’ll stop worrying about my own problems, have a large heart and become useful to people around me – thats when the real peace of mind will begin to flourish in my life!

And just imagine, if everyone’s purpose of life becomes Serving others around them – how beautiful the world would be! 🙂

Today everyone in office is so excited about the upcoming ‘long weekend’ !!
Got me thinking, ki when there wasnt any IT industry or sorts in India, I dont think the local junta knew anything called as a ‘Weekend’..! The day when offices were closed, was humbly referred to as ‘Sunday’.. 😀 .. Its only now that the concept of weekend (sat + sun) has gotten over everyone, and more recently ‘extended weekend or long weekend’..!!
hehe… and its usually not as simple as it sounds to be..!

You’ve gotta prepare yourself tremendously before and after the ceremony of ‘long weekend’ gets over! People around you would start loading you with tons of questions, like – ‘hey! what’re ur plans for the long weekend?’… or ‘ where are you going on the 2nd oct weekend’… blah blah..

You find these people everywhere! In the lift, in the pantry.. in the cafeteria.. even in the washroom! Its tough to make an escape here, coz the sole purpose of these morons is to make you feel left out and non-adventurous!

Sadly, I am the type of person, who usually doesnt really make big plans for any of these so-called great days..! For me, having the chance to wake up late in the morning alone is a victory, no less than a trip to Swiss Alps!! hehe..
But then I hear all these words, and I get into this mode, where I start googling for ‘long weekend getaways’ and the sorts..! 😀
And so, even if I wasnt planning to make any plans, I am definitely forced to make some, to avoid those ‘look-at-her-she’s-so-boring’ kinda looks!
Ah! Damn this competitive world!

It is usually like this.. We’re out on our way doing all what it takes, to please other people. What would make other people talk about us.. what would impress those around us/…
Isnt it?
Be it buying a car, or a house, or even clothes.. we’re mostly concerned with others’ reaction to it, than our own! We’re driven by their comments, by their opinions, by their perceptions etc etc!
Funny enough, even the people around us are thriving to get our attention – just in the same manner! lol..
Imagine a whole species living in a trap, always trying to please each other.. not really having any opinion that we can call our own!.. and in this effort losing our own peace of mind!!

Crazy as it sounds; but looking at us, someone out there in the Skies must be having a real good laughter! :))